Information about Tunisia

Currency of Tunisia

Tunisian Dinar - TND - Exchange Rates history

The Currency of Tunisia

The currency in Tunisia is called Tunisian Dinar (TND).

1 Tunisian Dinar = 1000 Millimes

Other abbreviations for the Tunisian Dinar are TD and DT.

The tunisian currency is in a state of "controlled floating" towards other currencies.
There is meanwhile an official interbank exchange rate (not a fixed rate determined by the central bank), but the import and export of the currency is still strictly forbidden.

The ownership and ability of exchange of foreign currencies are strictly regulated for the citizens of Tunisia.

Citizens of other countries may exchange an unlimited amount of money into the Dinar, but the reverse is strictly limited and only allowed in small (previously "declared" and exchanged) amounts.

Here are photos of the Tunisian bank notes and Tunisian coins.

On our TunisPro homepage, you can find the actual money exchange rates for the Tunisian Dinar

The following list shows the changes of the exchange rates (Interbank) of the Tunisian Dinar towards 3 major western currencies since 1999:

Rate on 1 EUR
YTD change 1 USD
YTD change 1 UKP
YTD change
2018-12-31 3.396 + 11,11% 2.968 + 13.37 % 3.767 + 8.97 %
2018-06-30 3.056 + 8,41% 2.618 + 6.12 % 3.457 + 7.59 %
2017-06-30 2.819 + 15.81% 2.467 + 12.54 % 3.213 + 9.10 %
2016-06-30 2.434 + 11.91% 2.192 + 12.75 % 2.945 - 3.69 %
2015-06-30 2.175 - 4,93 %
1.944 + 15.92 % 3.058 + 7.11 %
2014-06-30 2.288 + 6.97% 1.677 + 2.01 % 2.855 + 14.15 %
2013-06-30 2.139 + 6.84 %
1.644 + 4.05 % 2.501 + 0.72 %
2012-06-30 2.002 + 1.01 % 1.580 + 15.67 % 2.483 + 13.12%
2011-06-30 1.980 + 6.39 % 1.366 - 10.89 % 2.195 - 4.98 %
2010-06-30 1.861 - 1.89 % 1.533 + 13.64 % 2.310 + 3.6 %
2009-06-30 1.896 + 4.06 % 1.349 + 20.66 % 2.230 - 5.27 %
2008-06-30 1.822 + 3.76 % 1.118 - 15.12 % 2.354 - 10.80 %
2007-06-30 1.756 + 4.21 % 1.317 - 2.81 % 2.639 + 10.73 %
2006-06-30 1.685 + 5.71 % 1.355 + 2.26 % 2.460 + 2.84 %
2005-06-30 1.594 + 3.64 % 1.325 + 3.51 % 2.392 + 3.37 %
2004-06-30 1.538 + 5.63 % 1.280 - 6.78 % 2.314 + 2.16 %
2003-06-30 1.456 + 6.98 % 1.373 - 0.09 % 2.265 - 6.69 %
2002-06-30 1.361 + 6.58 % 1.385 - 7.89 % 2.123 - 0.01 %
2001-06-30 1.277 +1.43 % 1.502 + 11.11% 2.125 + 3.51 %
2000-06-30 1.259 + 1.29 % 1.351 + 10.82 % 2.053 + 6.87 %
1999-06-30 1.243 --- 1.219 --- 1.921 ---

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